and they're pink! goodness golly girly gracious. the only thing that would make these tongs for the trichologically challenged even better is if they had glitter, lace, and my little ponies cavorting all over the handles.
i have been born again. if my "just put fingers into plug socket" frizz can be tamed, then these things are probably powerful enough to straighten ru-paul.
my little fuzz ball is growing up :(
nah. still walking round in my tatty digital watch and 20 year old (?) wonderbras. as well as being lazy.
Nice! I think Rite-Aid had a better deal: $14.99, BUT mine isn't PINK, so I'd say you got a STEAL!
this thing has magical powers, i swear it willfind the cure for a terminal illness in years to come. don't come between a girl and her appliance!
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