Tuesday, January 6, 2009

things learned on my international middle east christmas vacation

~ the similarities between mother and daughter are disturbing, not a good thing when one is the driver and the other is a passenger. and while both father/daughter exhibit a very british selective mutism when in mixed (but still mother tongue) company, oral dilation is swift when the more senior member finds a gulf national to banter with.

~ i am a conservative puritan, where hummus is my evangelical platform; roasted red pepper, sun dried tomatoes, spicy chipotle, chunky kalamata olives, and caramelized onions belong on a pizza. if you want 365 overpriced flavours, rocky-road-oreo-mint-supreme is available at a strip mall near you.

~ architects responsible for designing airports across the globe grew up watching a little too much dr who. as evidenced by "abu dhabi international for the sensory deprived".

(going to the airport also seems to trigger the kind of anxious personality swings usually displayed on those "heavy flow/super absorbency" days-- in all members of the family).


mansuetude said...

hummus and carmelized onions, on pizza ... ooh sounds so so good!

that airport looks like a tiffany lamp...

"a conservative puritan" made me laugh outloud.

Disa said...

the acoustics in that airport would have been great for a greek tragedy, not so great for my "i have been awake for 18 hours AND concentrated on keeping the plane up in the air the whole way here and now my eyes are dry and sore and i now need everything to be muted". anyway.

Clare said...

my god that humus looks amazing