running shoes are supposed to retire to the big landfill in the sky between 350 and 500 miles- unless your gait is like that of a charging elephant or tonya harding at a crow bars r us sale.
i am pleased to announce that the brown shorts wearing stork has delivered a package, and i can now begin the process of breaking in my new shoes with a layer of foot funk. but first, a retrospective. henry VIII collected wives, and while none of my shoes have been hung, drawn and quartered with their insoles burned in front of them, they have each been succeeded by a newer, less stinky muse.
my first pair, have negotiated hills, date plantations, UC berkley's campus, and completed two half marathons, on two different continents. now they have been relegated to the domain of 'home improvement' and 'take dog for a walk'.
the second pair displaced 'paint splat' to witness half marathons 3 and 4. they are now a prototype for a 'hiking-after-it-has-rained' model.
and most recently; 'my first marathon'....
i really liked the shiny blue, it was an acceptable subsitute for not developing a matching set of bruised toenails.
oh each pair should have a journal to go with it, and you could do an art show, each pair with its own story (and if they were mine, their own stink)...
funny about the stork in brown shorts...
i like that, especially as the first pair are taking on a jackson pollock air.
no other vehicle would it be acceptable to drive around with your door wide open. but put on some little shorts and and the rules of the highway code suddenly seem to change...
Run on, comrade!
I wanted to get my 'first marathon' pair of running shoes bronzed[ how vain is that?].. So having dutifully packed them and sent them to my father for onward transition to the US for bronzing(not the sunlamp treatment)he proceeded to wash them and scrub them so that they were pristine!ie all mud and cr@p were removed. They never got bronzed!
YOU got sentimental over something?! awwwww. :)
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