generally, it is not until cohabitation that an individual's true personality is revealed. initial appearances can be very deceptive, and what presents as a cute and playful package, can often mask something more sinister. literature supports the profile of an abuser to include a history of harmful early developmental experiences, evidenced by aggressive rearing styles, therefore increasing the risk factors for perpetrating acts of violence.

i had no idea that i was in such close proximity to something so ferocious.
de⋅ni⋅al [di-nahy-uhl] –noun
1. disbelief in the existence or reality of a thing.
my dog never for some reason did that! a shake at the back of the nape, and a squeeze on the snout, and a strong NO... in a gravely voice is what i do to him... or did to him, he's in slow motion these days.
i dont think reilly understands british english, "no! naughty!" doesnt get her to stop the way an american, "no! bad!" does. i am the anti-supernanny dog whisperer.
well, i just hope Reilly doesn't understand your penchant for the "poo" word and such... it might turn doggie... :)
Cant help but to laugh, hysterically, at unsaid humor behind your post....
it is my goal to squeeze a comment out of you yager-shots, and i was pretty certain this particular post would elicit one. you didn't disappoint.
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