Tuesday, January 22, 2008

happiness; only real when shared

so i poached this phrase from "into the wild", well perhaps not poached, so much as it resonated with exactly where i was sitting and what i was "do"ing in that moment.

serendipity: good fortune in unexpected circumstances.

bravery: to meet or face courageously.

i am not a brave person (usually). however, i think bravery is less about overcoming fear and more about solidifying what you want, followed by a "do".


mansuetude said...

disa, you are brave.. your writing is one of the best bravery voices i see on the blogs,,, you are good at trying new ways of expressing... i love that.

Anonymous said...

"Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet". I gather you weren't subject to that advert in the 80s (oops, showing my age).

Apologies for the lack of correspondence - kind of went of the rails....

I hope this finds you well, and now I'm back in the real world (en route to blighty,) I plan to pursue more *normal* activities ....

Disa said...

TS- glad you are alive, and yes i do remember the hamlet commercials, despite my refusal to use oil of ulay, i am, indeed aging.