no, not men's. or 80 year old grannies. a less talked about phenomenon than the odd, 'lady chin hair', is the 25-35 year old "sex and the city" watching demographic-- who have a random, thick, black one orbiting their areolas'.
a relationship challenge: tell your man. he won't want to believe you, and will subsequently double over with that 'just got kicked in the balls' face.
note: tweezers are not just for eyebrows and splinters. why else do we keep a set in our purses/make up bag/nightstand/car/make sure a girlfriend is always carrying one? add this to your monthly "pink ribbon in the shower check up'.
I remember one time when I was maybe 13 I saw this woman nursing her baby and she didn't have just a stray hair but actual hair, furry almost. Even at thirteen I knew that was definitely going to be part of the whole pink ribbon shower check up thing.
they tell you about STD's, periods and pregnancy, and yet no one talks about the weird, random little stuff, then everyone just walks around feeling like a freak!
Lol! yeah! Use them tweezers.
adds color, line and texture... lol
my sister is nipple feeding nursing her newborn and he bites her hard ... maybe the stray hair was meant to keep her protected from a little gumming milk monger???
we're into the beauty of the breast, and most of us forgot the utilitarian use... who wants to think of being utilitarian,??? oof.
true. objectifying something a bit more consistently useful- like the hand- which also grows knuckle hair doesn't make it into theatres, or become a central feature of any HBO show.
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