a visit from the woman who gave me life, and subsequent years of advice- dutifully ignored- on how best to wear my "you have such a narrow face" hair, kicks off some serious extra credit housework. *
forget polishing the silver and dusting off the 'just for show' china; cleaning the calcified layers of green gunk from the electric toothbrush and wiping pico de gallo fingerprints off the tv remote become the topmost priority. and so i found myself vacuuming the dust colonies that had settled pueblo style, amongst the fireplace brickwork- dog hair is harder to get rid of than a palm full of ringworm.
swiffer brand needs to hurry the hell up and manufacture a collapsible, disposable 'get-down-on-your-knees-and-scrape-the-black-gunge-out-of-the-skirting-board-to-the-sounds-of-kc-and-the-sunshine-band' appliance.
* the occupant who logs the most hours sitting on the loo, should automatically win the task of chipping all the caked bits of bodily excreta from the porcelain. **
** this never happens.
the phrase "dirty little scrubber" is so perfect! Its like a balanced sesaw, the cleaning lady gets defiled! Love it.
that last part, oh yes, please. Dog hair, its obnoxious..
my mum is the dog whisperer,,,,and has already asked where the brass polish is (i dont have any), i am definitely going to be 'harnessing' her obsessive-compulsive tendencies...
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